Monday 9 December 2013

Are you Diet soda Drinker?

Must check this-

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Monday 25 November 2013


When you're fighting the good fight to STAY HEALTHY, count on Kangen Water. Fernando Vargas of Torrance UFC gym does!

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Monday 11 November 2013

還原水 - Kangen Water

還原水含有大量活性氫及高抗氧化能力(ORP為 -250mV以下),能有效去除人體體內產生的【自由基】,從而有效使被破壞及氧化的細胞修復,令身體回復健康,改善身體健康狀況、提升免疫系統及增強身體抵抗能力。



肥胖症 小兒腎病症候群 高血壓 糖尿病 氣喘
心悸亢進症 消化不良 肝病 分娩健康的嬰兒 皮膚外傷
過敏症 妊娠中毒症 胃癌 心臟病 慢性疾病
腎病 止血功能 質代謝好轉 癌症 胃病
濕疹 胃腸障礙 增強自然治癒能力 甲狀腺病症 

1. 肥胖症
服遼太朗博士(原任橫濱紅十字會醫院院長 / 現任琦玉系紅十字會血液中心所長)
人類活動所需的能量(energy)是由(1)空氣中的氧(oxygen)及(2)食物而來。而食物可分為蛋白質、澱粉、脂肪、維他命、礦物質及水等。但 是現代人因為生活水準提高,所以維他命、礦物質之外其它的營養素都過剩。攝取過量的食物在體內轉變成脂肪蓄積。美國人的肥胖症就是最好的例子。他們的男性 五人中有一人,女性四人中有一人都苦於體重超出標準10%以上。
電解還原水能使鹼性離子(ion) 化,並溶解在還原水內。所以可以促進體內產生礦物質機能活化而提供礦物質。因此不必注意食物的礦物質含量,肥胖症的人能夠採用電解還原水,以保個人及家人 的健康。

2. 小兒腎病症候群(nephrstic syndrome)
一九五二年先作動物試驗,後來應用於腎病症候群及腎臟炎結果獲得明顯功效:我所採用的方法是每日給病人飲用電解還原水350cc。其中有一位小兒腎病症候 群病人,他罹患三年,常來住院,有一兩次陷入危險狀態,用腎上腺皮脂素(cortisone)才救活。我們請他改飲電解還原水,經過一個月時間所有的病症 狀消失回復健康,經過繼續飲用,至今沒有再發病。

3. 高血壓
我曾經用10年時間對上述病人注意其血清中鈣離子含量,並採用九州大學後藤教授推薦的維他命K以促進血清中的鈣離子。另外讓病人飲用電解時集中於陰極的鹼 性的鈣離子水。結果飲用電解還原水的病人獲良好的治癒率。
東北大學的近藤正二教授以調查日本長壽村而聞名。在糧食調查專案內:米、肉及魚類食用過多者多數罹患高血壓、腦出血及心臟病而壽命不長。反而食用青菜、海 草及黃豆的人很少罹患此病,也比較長壽。特別是調查居住於夏威夷的日裔第二代,他們比從日本去的第一代早死,且多半罹患心臟病症。日本在戰後也是從小慣於 肉食,所以現在青壯年的健康堪慮。
希望目前偏愛以蛋白質、脂肪及糖類等熱量(卡路時,calory)為主的功能表,能追加礦物質、維他命及水這三要素,特別為考慮酸性、鹼性的平衡而言,採 用電解產生的還原水,應對現代人偏酸體質之中和作用有所貢獻。

4. 糖尿病
他本人很擔心,雖然尿糖及血糖均有下降,但是最近的檢查結果是血糖300ml/de。因此自認必定不會通過,殊不知在東大一天內做六次的反復檢查,以全無 糖尿病症而獲得通過。原來他是最嚴重的一位,所以醫院對他的檢驗最慎重,結果15人中只有他一人痊癒。

5. 氣喘
沒 有患過氣喘的人不會知道氣喘是如何的痛苦。無論心志如何堅強,一旦病症發作,連嗎啡都敢用來制止。只要是氣喘病人,隨時隨地都可能發作,在灰塵多的地方、 垃圾的氣味、甚至不合胃口的食物都會隨時發病。因為尚無根治良法,所以只有在發作時打針吃藥渡過一時。若不是在青春期(14歲左右)以前,想方法加以治 好,將會成為終生的苦疾。
以體質而言,酸性而抵抗力弱的人易患此病。所以治療的關鍵在於體質改良,以我治療的經驗,飲用電解還原水半年到一年,就在不知不覺中改善體質,而且氣喘不 再發作。有一位喝了幾個月痊癒的人突然氣喘再發作來求治,我吩咐他經演常不斷飲用電解還原水。因為他已經改善了基本體質,所以只喝七天的水就完全治好,不 再發作。

6. 心悸亢進症
老 實說,我的女兒心臟不好。東京大學附設醫院也檢查不出原因。光是爬上二樓就會心跳加劇感覺快窒息,身為醫師連女兒的病都無法醫治,真說不過去。所以我讓他 服用傳統的藥物如強心劑(digitalis campher),但這不是根治的方法。自從飲用電解還原水,不出兩個月的時間她竟然完全治癒,不再訴苦,我覺得不可思議。
我們醫師對主要臟器的死因,都只關注於心臟死、腦死或肺臟死作為研究物件,其實心臟是很奇妙的臟器,雖因心臟麻痹而斷氣,但如用心電圖加以觀察,它會繼續 跳動三十分鐘左右,可見心臟以及生命力量尚無法用現代醫學加以圓滿說明。
聽說渡邊博士正在從事一種實驗,就是在試管內的血液中加入電解還原水時,該血液不會有凝結反應,而變成鮮紅顏色的血液,我不知道其原因在於氧化或還原,但 是可以猜想必定是離子(ion)具有的功能,總之血液的粘稠度有很大的不同,如此就能血液暢通而減低心跳,也就是減輕心臟的負擔。所以可以斷定患有心率不 整,動悸劇烈及心臟瓣膜等的人,經常飲用電解還原水一定有其功效的。

7. 消化不良

8. 肝病
我本人是廣島原子炸彈的被爆者,所以每年夏季體內的白血球數就會減少,全身感覺疲勞不堪,時常被迫休診。但是自從飲用電解還原水以後,可能體內細胞回復活 性而變成健康無病。因此在橫濱紅十字會醫院,我獎勵住院病人飲用。近來發現對肝臟機能特別有效。肝的機能發生障礙時,會對體內產生的尿酸無法加以解毒,任 其流入血液之中。以致發生因尿酸所致的痛風等各種疾病。
中和尿酸需要鈣,體中最多鈣質的地方就是骨骼,因此由作用最小的腳趾供應鈣來中和尿酸。但是骨頭供應鈣一多,也會發生疼痛。電解還原水是鹼性離子水,它具 有強化肝臟機能及中和尿酸的功能。所以對痛風特別有效。

9. 分娩健康的嬰兒

10. 皮膚外傷
該氧化水可收集與溶槽作為沐浴浸泡,可使皮膚潤滑光美。也可放入洗衣機清洗衣物,結果可以洗的更潔淨。不小心被火灼傷的時候將紗布浸潰貼敷,因為紗布可以 透氣而使傷處消炎,這是恩師櫻根孝之進博士所教的方法。
為何電解離子酸性水對火傷有效?只要查看傷處起水泡的泡液即知,因為泡液的鹼性度比體液的鹼性度高,而灼傷時的痛覺是因分泌物的刺激所致。所以外科治療必 先刺破水泡使泡液流出加以止痛。電解離子酸性水具有中和鹼性滲出液的功用。

11. 過敏症
我 對成人病的治療都採用飲用電解還原離子水,它對過敏症有宏效,我常在研究發佈會上發表這臨床病例。茲提出一例:我以前任職的科學員警研究所的所長山田先生 患蕁麻疹,他在親戚的皮膚專科醫院治療,病況日趨嚴重痛苦異常,但是自從經常飲用電解還原離子水以後立即見效,現在吃甚麽都不再發病。回復健康之後,他很 驚奇及讚賞,並廣為介紹員警和政府機關採用。
那時候的我也患了藥物疹而苦惱,於是在發疹是試飲,結果立刻治癒,這就是我和電解水結緣的經過。過敏症病人大多都是酸性體質,其原因在於偏好肉食、甜食、 也就是酸性食品的過量採取。酸性體質的人當然缺乏鈣離子,所以身體機能及抵抗力減弱,對外部來的刺激過於敏感,而成為過敏症。

12. 妊娠中毒症
最近很多母親為了兒女的升學傷透精神,但生下來才教育,實不如在懷孕時期就加以培養其智商能力。因為妊娠第三個月時,胎兒頭部為身體其他部位的12倍大, 也就是嬰兒從腦部開始發育,在此時加強其機能,猶如胎教。所以希望女性飲用此水而改變成為鹼性體質,不但為自己也為胎兒,可說是一舉兩得。

13. 胃癌
經過手術發現確為癌症,而且已經蔓延到胃的大部份,不忍將其割除所以再與縫合。在已經無法飲水的狀態下設法輸入電解還原水。我們認為他只剩10日,最多不 超過一個月的壽命,沒想到他經過3到4日就不再嘔吐,也不會疼痛。然後開始有食欲而吃了很多食物。當初認為只剩10日壽命的他,卻在無痛苦的狀態下延續生 命達4個月之久才逝世。一般而言,癌症末期痛苦異常,需要不停的打針止痛。所以我們深深感覺此水的功能之大。在日本胃癌病人占世界之冠,而且與日俱增,但 在歐美各國卻趨減少傾向。這是國際抗癌組織會長赫得發表的資料所記載的。所以可以猜想多用鈣劑是否可有效抑制癌?
誰都知道癌症與所攝取的食物有因果關係。但是吃甚麼才會致癌?至今尙無法明確舉證。不過依據美國蘭森的研究結果,卻證明一種事實,就是體內的鈣減少時會使 癌細胞的分泌旺盛。因此只要增加鈣即可抑制癌症的發生和蔓延。而食物中含鈣離子較多的是蔬菜、水果及海草類,所以他獎勵日常多吃這些食物。
大阪大學月瀨教授的實驗結果指出,鰻魚飼料偏為酸性時所養的鰻魚變成細長無肉,鹼性食餌卻育成肥又長。這在城市與農村的子弟也有同樣的傾向,也就是證明菜 食與健康、體格及長壽有平衡關係,在無法大量取得礦物質,維他命的當今社會,唯有常飲電解還原鈣離子水加以補充。因為此種水內含有鈣及各種有用礦物質離 子,它們會促進體內細胞製造人體所需要維他命及鈣等。

14. 心臟病
有一位已經無法開刀醫治的三十五歲男士,他罹患先天性波達利氏管毛病,在五年前就開始惡化,到國光世田穀醫院就醫,已經有五、六次的臨危的經驗。檢查也很 困難,必須採用高級技術將塑膠細管通入血管而至心臟。他曾拜託日本女子醫大的木神原教授替他開刀,因擔心手術時生變故而被拒絕。所以回家專心療養,但是病 況與日變壞,已有無數次的危險狀態發生。他本人及家人均已放棄治療希望。
但是他卻奇跡似時治癒而且開始複健、運動。據太太對我說,有朋友介紹電解還原鈣離子水生成器,推薦她先生飲用,反正求生無望,在有甚麼就試甚麼的心態下試 用。從去年九月開始飲用,經過一個月後,十月已經用完醫院所給的藥品,決心不再去領藥只飲此種水,一連飲用三個月就痊癒了,好像變成另外一個人,使大家驚 奇不已。於是,電解水生成器就在同類病人之間開始風行。

15. 慢性疾病
中村 榮博士(中村醫院院長)
當今的醫學因為藥物發達,大半均“頭病醫頭”只求速效而依賴藥物。我認為這是很大錯誤,因為人體本身自出生就具有“自然治癒能力”,如果其功能減弱,應該 設法加強補充才合理。也就是沒有自然治癒能力的身體,給與高貴良藥也沒有太大的效果,變成事倍功半或是徒勞無功。
一般人好吃的食品多半屬於酸性,因為好吃所以過量攝取。工作繁重、精神壓力都會使人體變成酸性體質。要中和制酸變成鹼性體質,臨床治療結果證實飲用電解還 原鈣離子水最為理想。它具有強心、利尿、解毒及防止肝機能弱化、促進胃腸蠕動及制酸性的功能。所以我奉勸大家飲用此種水,因為簡便快捷,比吃蔬菜來的容易 而且有效,尤其對偏食的人更加如此。
人的血液、體液、唾液及汗水都是鹼性。為了健康長壽,千萬不要使體液變成酸性。只要飲用此種水即可制酸中和、活化各器官、加強與輿俱有的“自然治癒能 力”。如此就不容易生病,即使生病也不會嚴重,並且治癒得很快。
嚴寒季節為了保溫多食肉食及飲酒,但這些均為酸性食品。所以少喝電解還原鈣離子水,會致酸堿不平衡。因為電解水生飲太冷而致少飲,此時可加注開水來喝,但 是普通開水含有各種物質,也容易使水回復原態,因此建議用體溫加以溫暖後再飲用。

16. 腎病
腎炎的傳統醫療是即制飲水,喝電解水時尿量會比所喝的電解水量為多。每天分段飲用,一天約0.36公升的電解水是不會有問題的,千萬不要喝不是電解水的其 他普通水,利尿是電解水功能,不使腎臟積水,加速新陳代謝使廢水排出,減低其炎症。
外國的文獻報告,割除腎臟而改置人工腎臟的人,其血液中的負(—)離子減少,相對的增加了正(+)離子,特別是增加鈣離子而使病症轉好,目前尙無年齡別、 生效期間的詳細資料,但是依我的實際經驗,飲用電解還原鈣離子水對各種腎臟疾病都有宏效。腎臟以外的病症如無藥可治的疑難雜症,我想沒有比電解還原鈣離子 水更有效果。

17. 止血功能
村上 圓博士(村上牙科院長)
拔牙後以電解氧化離子水清洗傷處時,對應有的輕、中度出血立即發生完全止血的功效。至於嚴重的出血如配合傳統止血法並用,也發生止血功能。止血完成後改用 電解還原鈣離子水加以洗淨傷口,結果創傷處的治癒迅速,也促進良性肉芽組織重生,雙管齊下獲得奇效。
再介紹顯效的治療例,這是一名四歲的男孩,因為汽車事故上顎左側前齒部受傷,露出齒槽達2.5公分。來求診以前在某外科住院治療約十天,真是不忍目睹的慘 狀。我先使用電解氧化離子水為他做10分鐘的含漱,並給他四日分的抗生素,再塗敷20%的硝酸銀。其後9次的消毒則使用副腎皮脂膏(cortisone Pasta)加上葉綠素,並以電解還原鈣離子水連用一個月含漱及飲用,結果受傷所致的一公分的腐骨乾淨脫落,長出漂亮的再生組織,這不過是多數例子中的一 例而已。我對應用電解產生的還原鈣離子水及氧化離子水的功效驚歎不已、治療期間不但消除胃痛、食欲旺盛、氣色良好、不會疲勞、也解決便秘、增強自然治癒能 力以及減低出血,以上就是治療所見。

18. 脂質代謝好轉
我 記得在第二次的研究會上,聽了國仲先生很有意義的一場報告後,我們順天堂大學也決定加以一試。起初我們對電解離子水還是半信半疑,所以不敢對住院病人推薦 飲用。但是經過思考後決定先對剛剛開刀的胃癌重症患者進行試用,給他飲用電解還原鈣離子水,結果成績不錯,因而信心百倍,想對肝功能障礙的病人應用而先作 動物試驗。物件是24頭狗,分成四對成組,即(1)注射電解還原鈣離子水,(2)飲用電解還原鈣離子水,(3)注射肝劑(tioctan),(4)內服強 肝劑。

19. 癌症
1. 72歲,女性,本年一月求診,自稱腹中有硬物並會嘔吐。先用照X光發現在胃的出口處確長了和雞蛋同大的癌腫,她的家人以其高齡不同意開刀取出。所以推薦飲 用電解還原鈣離子水,每次500cc一天三次,經過六個月後,認為癌腫塊並未加大,不會嘔吐反而增加體重達一公斤。
2. 男性,56歲,數年前就感覺胃都疼痛,醫師診斷系忠膽結石,因為不斷發生疼痛及呈現黃疸症狀,所以于本年二月到順天堂醫院外科住院檢查,結果判斷是胃癌, 因為輕輕一觸就出血,不得已只得開刀將膽囊與十二指腸連接,阻止黃疸,就讓他出院回家。開刀後發生嚴重貧血,輸血1300cc我們認為維持不了三個月以內 就會死亡,但仍鼓勵他飲用電解還原鈣離子水,每日500cc,分三次在飯前飲用,至今已過八個月仍保持健康。
3. 男性,63歲,胃癌,去年八月求診,X光線檢查結果斷定為慢性胃炎,本年一月再來時變的消瘦,重行檢查後診斷胃癌。在順天堂外科開刀取出在胃出口處有如雞 蛋大的癌腫,因為部分突出胃的外面,有再發可能,勸他飲用電解還原鈣離子水而觀察經過。
以上三例都是末期癌症病的飲電解水的效果報告。為何電解離子水能使病情改善?我們還是不如其所以然。但是全身的細胞受到電解弱鹼性離子水所含的活性離子水 刺激,促使新陳代謝旺盛,因而抑制、緩和癌的惡化曠散。我們此觀點採用電解水,反正它是有益無害的好水,不必擔心有任何不良作用

20. 胃病
平常我們一有病症就用藥物,但是同樣的藥品用久就會失效,或者產生副作用。例如阿司匹靈是退的藥品,如果長期使用,反會高燒而不下降;將雌性激素(女性荷 而蒙)投與白小鼠,開始時很會發情,但是常用以後不僅不會生效反而自宮會腐爛;嗎啡常用於止痛,最後非加重用量不能產生效果。這叫做身體的失常。

21. 濕疹
男性70歲,汽車零件公司董事長,1942年在兩下腿外側生了急性濕疹。癢痛與日加劇,在某大學醫院皮膚治療結果醫好左腿,但是右腿反增癢痛、病症惡化, 因為搔癢以致局部出血,幾經醫治也不見其效,最後發展在膝部關節以至足趾關節,且從表皮滲出分泌物非常不舒服。到處訪問名醫求治均未改善,靠醫師配置的藥 膏塗敷患部過了十年漫長痛苦的時間。
偶然的機會經由朋友介紹向我求治,由於他在旅行途中突然發生右上肢麻痹,右手完全不能動彈。有上肢麻系因車內坐椅姿勢不佳所致,不成問題。但是右腿的濕疹 嚴重,已經從膝部以足趾全面被覆著粘稠分泌物,而且有不少地方的血性分泌症狀已成皮膚炎。我認為既然已經用藥十年仍無效。我指示他勸於飲用電解還原鈣離子 水,同時使用電解氧化離子水在患部塗敷,先把紗布浸泡在氧化離子水中,然後將紗布在患部。
我觀察病人患部,發覺每次患部面積減少,分泌物也收幹很多很快,電解還原水的雙管齊下,內服及外用同時進行,兩個星期後分泌物就沒有了,三個星期皮膚上的 痕跡消失,經過一個半月完全治癒。不但他本人及其夫人感謝,我自也為甚驚奇,以此治癒例我感覺雖然不是平凡小事,但只是要用心,還是可以突破瓶頸,因此更 感覺現代醫學的盲點。

22. 胃腸障礙

23. 增強自然治癒能力
例如常見的女性憂鬱,若從食欲不振。不能入眠、頭痛等的表面症狀著手,根本無法醫治其病,即使無法醫治其病。即使加以胃鏡檢查、測試腦波也無濟於事。只要 他的煩惱,心事獲得解決,不必吃藥就能完全恢復、就是這麼簡單。女性與男性不同,但是現代醫學卻不重視這項差別,因為女性具有複雜的機構,女性特有的激素 (荷而蒙)、自律神經等實無法以男性的基準加以判斷。現代醫學,細分化的醫學所不知者實在太多。
人體治好疾病受情緒及自然治癒能力支配,也就是心理與勝利生理的共同作業,身心一體的合作。例如沒有求生意志的病人,給他多麼好的特效藥也沒用,相反的求 生意識強的病人僅僅給與糖粉開水也可以治療其病,這是[自然法則],人體的行為中80-90%由[自由法則]運作。藥物不過是輔勵的方法而已。

24. 甲狀腺病症
杉山 峻(岩戶診療所長)
因為以前從國仲先生那裡聽過電解水的事,所以向他請教,國仲先生指示儘快飲用電解還原鹼性離子水。其實當時的我對它還疑信參半,只因求救心切,不顧一切加 以試用。飯後喝一大杯,平時當做茶水少量喝幾次。經過一個月後再行檢查,發現血液中的鈣含有量回復正常狀態,因為感覺有效,所以繼續不斷飲用。
和內人同一病房的女性中年病人,據說她也是於二年前割除甲狀腺,住院中因姿勢不佳而斷了肋骨,最近又再跌倒而折斷腳部骨頭,為了醫治骨頭,醫院給她服用鈣 劑,但是她早經割除甲狀腺,致使血液中的鈣質減少。加以骨頭折斷更缺少鈣質,因此內人就供應電解水讓她飲用。

| MyKangen Enterprise | Authorised Distributor | 

Contact: +6011-2313 6568 
Address: D-6-06, Oasis Square,
              Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Ara Damansara,
              47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Saturday 26 October 2013

Antioxidant Water vs. Green Tea: Which is Healthier?

Antioxidant water helps strengthens the immune system, provides mental clarity, aids in weight loss, and helps to rid the body of toxins. Both green tea and antioxidant or “ionized” water contains antioxidants, but which is the healthiest?
Antioxidant Water
Antioxidant water is charged with free electrons that hydrate the body better and faster than normal drinking water. The more hexagonal units contained in the water, the more beneficial it is for the body. Hexagonal units work to clear the body of disease-causing toxins. They further allow for nutrients to be delivered to each cell far better than normal water. When the body does not receive hexagonal units contained in antioxidant water, the internal cells, tissues, and organs of the body can start to degenerate. 
Normal water contains fluoride, pollutants, and chlorine. These reduce the hexagonal units in water, and do not prove to be as beneficial as antioxidant water. Bottled water offers no benefits to the body because of the minerals removed during the bottling process. Normal water can be ionized, bottled water cannot. Research has proven that free radicals do reduce in the body when drinking antioxidant water. Other benefits of drinking antioxidant water are:
  • It rids the body of free radicals, which are toxic to the body and cause infections/disease.
  • It increases energy levels naturally by hydrating each of the body’s cells.
  • It delivers pure oxygen to the body, which helps the body to absorb nutrients, removes waste matter, strength the immune system, and kills cancer cells.
  • It prevents aging, softens skin, and can heal skin ailments naturally due to its soft water content.
Green Tea
Numerous studies have proved that drinking green tea regularly reduces Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and improves the beneficial High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). It has also proved to be a useful aid against esophageal cancer because of the potent antioxidant – epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) – contained within green tea that works effectively to inhibit the development of cancer cells. A downside to green tea is that it contains caffeine, which can cause insomnia in some individuals. Green tea is also helpful to:
  • Prevent and treat infections. The powerful antioxidants contained in green tea strengthen the immune system and prevent disease and infection.
  • Provide relief for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.
  • Strengthen impaired immune functions.
  • Protect the heart from cardiovascular disease by preventing blood clots from forming.
  • Prevent tooth decay by killing the bacteria that causes plaque.
Which Is Healthier?
Both antioxidant water and green tea are beneficial in preventing infection and disease in the body. Green tea is available in a variety of products such as tea, supplements, and skincare products. Antioxidant water is beneficial at preventing aging and heals the skin naturally due to its soft water alkaline levels. Green tea has medicinal properties that have been used by the Chinese for almost 4000 years. 
When the body is relieved of free radicals, the body heals naturally and disperses toxins, which can build up in the body and cause weight gain. An accumulation of free radicals in the body may make it more difficult to lose weight easily. 

Can Diet Green Tea Be Substituted for Water?

Diet green tea is a useful substance for providing you with hydration, while also giving you antioxidants and a number of other nutrients. Diet versions of green tea are low in calories and contain virtually no fat or other harmful contents. This leads many people to wonder whether it might be better to drink diet green tea exclusively instead of water.

Why Water Is Necessary

Your body is composed primarily of water. While green tea and diet green tea are based on water, they may prevent your body from adequately being able to absorb the water that is in them. You are not therefore being properly hydrated when you drink only diet green tea. For this reason, among others, it’s necessary that you drink some water as well if you plan to drink a huge quantity of green tea.

Other Issues

Diet green tea still does contain some calories. It is also charged with caffeine and other ingredients that may influence your system. To drink so much might make your body reliant upon the dose of caffeine in order to function properly. It’s best to limit the caffeine that you bring into your body, and only drinking diet green tea instead of water is not a good way of doing that.
Diet green tea will also contribute to a caloric gain. While diet teas are low in calories, they will still add to your total calorie intake. This is as opposed to water, which contains no calories whatsoever. In this sense, water is better for you than diet green tea.

| MyKangen Enterprise | Authorised Distributor | 

Contact: +6011-2313 6568 
Address: D-6-06, Oasis Square,
              Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Ara Damansara,
              47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Antioxidant Water help strengthens the immune system, provides mental clarity, aids in weight loss, and helps to rid the body of toxins.

Antioxidant water is charged with free electrons that hydrate the body better and faster than normal drinking water. The more hexagonal units contained in the water, the more beneficial it is for the body. Hexagonal units work to clear the body of disease-causing toxins. They further allow for nutrients to be delivered to each cell far better than normal water. When the body does not receive hexagonal units contained in antioxidant water, the internal cells, tissues, and organs of the body can start to degenerate.

| MyKangen Enterprise | Authorised Distributor | 

Contact: +6011-2313 6568 
Address: D-6-06, Oasis Square,
              Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Ara Damansara,
              47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia


| MyKangen Enterprise | Authorised Distributor | 

Contact: +6011-2313 6568 
Address: D-6-06, Oasis Square,
              Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Ara Damansara,
              47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Give your body the best anti-oxidants with Kangen Water

Did you know that the cells in our body are constantly being attacked by free radicals every second?

And where do all these cell damaging free radicals come from? 

The short video below explains where free radicals come from and how we can fight ageing through consuming antioxidants.

And what better way than to drink our Kangen Water that is rich in antioxidants, more times than found in 375 oranges!

Fight the ageing process in our body to live healthier, free of disease with our Kangen water!

Further information please refer to

| MyKangen Enterprise | Authorised Distributor | 
Contact: +6011-2313 6568 
Address: D-6-06, Oasis Square,
               Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Ara Damansara,
               47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

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Thursday 12 September 2013

Are You Really Washing Your Face/Skin The Right Way?

It is important to keep in mind that your skin is actually your largest organ and it has several vital functions. One function is to provide a barrier between your internal cells and
your environment to block exposure to potentially deadly invaders. Another function is
as an excretory organ. When normal channels of excretion are either blocked or overburdened the body will transport excess toxic substances out through the skin. As the
membranes of skin cells become highly oxidized normal functions are compromised and
the result is a breakout of acne, rashes, eczema or even infection.
One of the most common assaults to the skin comes in the form of soap. In the same
way that soap creates a film on your tub or shower, it creates a film on your skin. This
film increases the rate of oxidation in 2 separate ways.

First it creates a dramatic imbalance in the pH of the skin. The skin, because it functions as a barrier, needs to be slightly acid ic- pH 4-6. Soap is very alkaline. So washing with soap begins to create an imbalance in the skin's proper pH. Secondly, bar soap always contains a chemical to saponify the fats and cause them to become both emulsified and then hard. Typically lye is the chemical of choice. Lye increases oxidation of the skin and at the same time upsets the normal pH.

A better choice for washing the skin is an organic liquid body wash free of sodium laurel or laureth sulfates, parabens and any petroleum products.

Always look for lotions and creams that do NOT contain parabens or petroleum products. These are known hormone disruptors and anything you put on your skin is transported into your body!

Now, you can have the best water with the right pH for your skin just by using our Beauty Water from your machine straight from home! No more worries about chlorine, impurities or other added chemicals that could potentially harm your skin and health.

Credits to Dr.Peggy Parker's and Curt Eastin's Water Protocol

Further information please refer to

| MyKangen Enterprise | Authorised Distributor | 
Contact: +6011-2313 6568 
Address: D-6-06, Oasis Square,
               Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Ara Damansara,
               47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Facing Constipation Problem?

Constipation is a common problem among people all over the world. It is a serious issue, just think about the fact that our intestines absorb the nutrients our body needs for survival. When the intestines are clogged, our body can't reach nutrients and vitamins which get wasted. A car without gas isn't going anywhere!
A body without nutrients is not a happy body, and it will start telling you about it!

What Causes Constipation?
Mucus plaque (created by animal protein, cheese and other dairy, alcohol, refined and processed foods, saturated fats, drugs, artificial additives and chemicals) sticks to the wall of your colon and makes the opening of the colon wall smaller, creating constipation! You might think that your colon is clear, but the space can actually be thin as a pencil.

Making Your Decision:
Is a clogged colon really a big threat? Is it necessary to go through a cleanse or can the body take care of that by itself? You have to find your answer to these questions.

The only cleanser we recommend is KangenTM water. It's an economical, environmental friendly and safe way to make cleansing a natural part of your life.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not ment to diagnose, cure or treat any disease.

Further information please refer to

   | MyKangen Enterprise | Authorised Distributor | 

Contact: +6011-2313 6568
Address: D-6-06, Oasis Square,
               Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Ara Damansara,
               47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Do You Know What You Can Do With Your Kangen Water Ionizer?

There are several benefits of Kangen alkaline water. An individual can use alkaline ionized water at home for various purposes. Among others these include household cleaning, cooking, personal care, pet care. Kangen water contains also several elements like sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Kangen ionized water retains useful elements after filtration, unlike other filtration systems, which filter out even the most essential minerals.

Five types of Kangen alkaline water

There are five types of Kangen water, which allow an individual to choose natural solutions for cleaning and well-being in the household. With the Kangen water machine one can enjoy a wide variety of options, which include freshening and livening of plants, cooking a meal, cleaning a stubborn stain and creating pleasant fragrance. There are five ionized water sorts produced by Kangen. These include:
1. Strong Kangen water for cleaning
2. Kangen water for drinking and cooking
3. Kangen neutral water for making baby food and taking medicines
4. Kangen acidic water for beauty care and gentle cleaning
5. Kangen strong acidic water, which has disinfectant properties

Some other Kangen alkaline water benefits are the following:


Some studies have shown that alkaline water contains microclusters or exceptionally small water molecules.

Hydration and drinking

Alkaline drinking water increases body hydration, because it has a better taste and superior mouth feel. The body readily absorbs the water, and it reduces the bloated feeling caused by drinking water.

Free radical minimization

It is known that alkalized water supports and promotes the wellness and health of all the body organs. It is determined by its anti-oxidant, free radical scavenging properties. It is well known that these anti-oxidants are reducing the effects caused by free radicals like cancer and heart attacks. Free radicals are known to attack healthy cells due to their aggressive chemical nature, thus causing life-threatening ailments like cancer and heart attacks.


As a universal solvent, water is readily absorbed in human body in order to expel toxins and waste products. Kangen alkaline water has negative oxidation -reduction potential, which aids in free radical’s neutralization and hydration of the body´s organs and tissues.


Scientific benefits of purified water include also support of wellness and longevity. Natural benefits of taking water are increased through alkalinity. It reduces degenerative diseases by inhibiting aging process while strengthening the immune system. When alkalinity is attained, wellness and physiological benefits of water are achieved.
Acidic water can be used for personal hygiene, general cleaning purposes, and it is environmentally friendly.

Personal hygiene

In Asia, acidic water is referred as a Beauty water and can be used effectively as an external cleaning agent, e.g. for bathing and cleansing.

General cleaning purposes

Most manufacturers have created cleaning machines, e.g. floor cleaners, which use the strong, acidic water as the only cleaning agent. Swimming pool cleaners have also shifted from using harsh chlorine agents to acidic water to keep the swimming pools clean.

Environmentally friendly

Acidic Ionized water is currently being used in many institutions and other enterprises due to low pollution potential. Content of phosphates and other common pollutants is low; therefore it is an environmentally friendly mean for cleaning.
Finally, Kangen alkaline water is very simply to use: water-supply pipe of Kangen water machine fits on the water faucet without taking up much space and requires almost no maintenance, except replacement water filters time to time. In addition, it is much cheaper than buying bottled water.

Further information please refer to

| MyKangen Enterprise | Authorised Distributor | 
Contact: +6011-2313 6568 
Address: D-6-06, Oasis Square,
               Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Ara Damansara,
               47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Breast cancer and alkaline water

Testimonial from a breast cancer patient:

This woman lives in a small town in Washington state and she was diagnosed with breast cancer in the summer of 2008.  She received the news shortly after her younger brother passing away following his fight with cancer. 

Her oncologist recommended a partial mastectomy, which was performed successfully in September 2008.
The oncologist schedued my friend to begin chemotherapy in December 2008 as a precaution.  The protocol was for her to receive 6 treatments at two week intervals.   Two weeks prior to commencing chemo, her oncologist  prescribed pills to control nausea.  My friend chose to forego the pills.  She decided she would drink alkaline ionized water and eat a strict alkaline diet as long as her oncologist didn’t object.   Her oncologist had never heard of alkaline water, but had no objections to her trying “her water”, as she didn’t see how it could hurt. 

She began eating her fruits and vegetables and drinking the water right away.  She started out drinking water at a pH level of 8.0 and increased it to 9.5 over the duration of her chemo treatments.  My friend drank her body weight in ounces each day, which is double the recommended amount for a healthy person to replace the liquids that the body naturally uses each day. 

My friend lost her hair in the first two weeks as expected and it didn’t seem to phase her one bit as she had her wigs ready and waiting.  She actually had fun with her ”new me” looks.  Now to the good part.  She didn’t experience any other symptoms of chemo treatment during her entire program and she never missed a day of work.  The staff in the oncology  department and other patients that were receiving treatment at the same time were amazed at how well she sailed through chemotherapy. During and after the chemotherapy, she didn’t miss a day of work, or as she describes it “a day of life”.

Radiation treatments followed her chemotherapy and were scheduled for 38 straight days.  During herradiation program, she experienced significant discomfort due to thinning of the skin on her breast.  The doctors prescribed antibiotic cream, but it wasn’t helping and she had to suspend treatment.  My friend decided to try using acidic water from her water ionizer as a mild antiseptic.  The acidic water cleared up the problem completely in three days, which allowed her to resume her treatment regimen.

The story gets better.  My friend ended up placing a water ionizer in the oncology department at the hospital where she received her cancer treatments.  Today, most of the staff in the department drink the water everyday at work, including 2 of the oncologists.

The story gets better once again from my persective, because I’m a huge fan of water ionizers.  My friend has helped educate at least two thousand families about the the benefits of the water over the past couple of years.  She loves what she does and is always willing to share her story, and the stories of the people she has helped with the water.  I’m proud to call her my friend.  

The information in this article is not meant as medical advice.  It is recommended that you always consult your health care provider for health care issues.


Further information please refer to

| MyKangen Enterprise | Authorised Distributor | 
Contact: +6011-2313 6568 
Address: D-6-06, Oasis Square,
               Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Ara Damansara,
               47301 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia