"The first step in maintaining health is to alkalize the body."- Dr.Arthur C.Guyton.
Every baby is born alkaline, while almost every adult is acidic. Returning the body back to an alkaline state restores health as nature intended.
Acid waste is a normal by-product of food metabolism and other bodily functions. However, certain lifestyles including stress and acid forming foods and beverages, such as sodas, sports drinks, and packaged foods increase acid production, lowering the tissue pH. The pH level is a measure of acidity and alkalinity, on a scale of zero to fourteen, with zero being most acidic, fourteen being most alkaline. Our body tissue pH needs to be at a pH level of 7.35, anything above or below, our body works harder to regain back the balance thus stressing our body even more often leading to sickness.
An alkaline lifestyle including stress reducing activities with a diet of 80% alkaline foods and alkaline ionized water insures a properly balanced pH throughout the body. This slightly alkaline environment inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and disease. The importance of acid-alkaline balance was validated in 1931 when Dr Otto Warburg won a nobel prize for his research involving cancerous tissues. He determined that "disease can NOT survive in an alkaline environment"
Since then, numerous doctors and scientist have stressed the importance of pH balance for disease prevention. Masking symptoms with medications ignores the root cause of acidosis. With a properly balanced pH, the body will heal, itself.
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating an extra electron, thus preventing damage to the body.
First, we need to understand the oxidation process which simply is a rusting process or cellular damage resulting in ageing.
This is an example of oxidation process where the browning of an apple is exposed to air. The body is continually undergoing oxidation, however, antioxidants slows this process.
The Role of Antioxidants
Antioxidants on the other hand, are free radical scavengers. They stabilize free radicals by donating electrons to them and also repair our damaged cells. Antioxidants are also known to prevent cancer by neutralizing cancer-causing free radicals before they do any damage to our cells.
Antioxidants are found in fruits that contain high doses of Vitamin C, vegetables such as broccoli and garlic, and green tea.
To measure how oxidative or antioxidant a substance or compound is, an Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) reader is used. To make things simple to understand, solutions with a higher (more positive) reading are the “bad guys” while solutions with a higher (more negative reading) are the “good guys” and a good way to differentiate between antioxidants and free radicals is to picture Antioxidants as electron givers and Free Radicals as electron takers.
The more positive (a higher reduction potential) a solution, the more likely it is to “take electrons” from other agents(reducing other agents) it comes in contact with. The more negative (a lower reduction potential) a solution, the higher the tendency to “give electrons” to other agents.
Kangen Water is an abundant antioxidant source and produces a high negative ORP reading.
The process of ionization reduces the size of the water molecular cluster by two-thirds. Because the cluster size of the water molecule is smaller, it is easier for the body to transport it across the cell membrane into the cell, hydrating the body more efficiently. Water easily passes in and out of the cells, carrying nutrients in and pushing toxins out. Improved cellular hydration results in a reduction of cell acidity, enhanced immunity, increased fat burning, DNA repair and increased resistance to viruses. Dehydrated cells lead to muscle wasting, cell hypoxia (oxygen starvation), DNA damage, and accelerated ageing. Restructured, ionized water properly hydrates the body, allowing the body to heal itself.
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